Playlist: None
Mood: Sleepy
As a celebration of the New Year, it's raining heavily outside. How cooling & what a great feeling :) I'm enjoying the weather right now. Hehehe.
So, welcome 2011! Hello, January! :D In 18 more days, it'll be Aidil's 21st birthday! I've already make plans for his big day, but I'm not gonna share it here. Afraid he might read it. Lol. And 3 more months to my 21st birthday too! Wooooo! I'm so old.
Yesterday was simply awesome! If I were to write every detail, my entry will be damn long. And I'm not in the mood to type too-long entries atm. So I just would like to say that I enjoyed the fireworks, and the crowds were obviously supportive! Fantastic audience. I think it was darn crowded till some of them prolly couldn't go home. Packed as fcuk, seriously. Luckily one of Aidil's friends drive a lorry, so all of us went home by lorry :) Heh. And we reached home almost 2am. By then we're both tired. Oh ya, we're at my place.
Mum & Dad are surely having fun at Bali. I told them to get me some gifts! They're at Bali having their "honeymoon", in celebration of their 28th Anniversary. They'll only be back on Monday/Tuesday. I'm not sure when. And I'm having a house-party tomorrow! Hahaha. Those of my friends whom I didn't get to meet-up yesterday are invited, and also mostly are Aidil's friends :D Hehehe. Some sort a reunion kinda party, yup.
Well, Imma be off for now. I need to cook lunch :) Goodbye, readers! Enjoy your last few bits of holidays before school & work starts!
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