Playlist: Neyo - One in a Million
Mood: Feeling Good
First & foremost, I've created a new account on Blogskins. I decided to change it to my all-time favorite username which is none other than elysaysgoodbye :) Hahaha. Mindyou, it's been almost 3 years I've lived with this username. Lol.
And I've designed yet another blogskin! It's already submitted, and it's under my new account. I'm no longer gonna submit skins in my old chocodiiction-lovesxoxo* account. To view the latest blogskin, this is the url: Sorry if it's a disappointment or if it sucked.
My Sunday's pretty fine. And lame. I just can't wait for 6pm! There's a party in my house, remember? Haha! Yeah, all the guests whom I've invited will be coming over from 6pm onwards. Those who are staying over will be staying over, those who're going home will be off. And Aidil's on his way to my place now. Can he like come faster? I'm getting bored. He's bringing Burger King for me! We're having BK for lunch! Atleast, not MacsD again ;)
Dad & Mum are confirmed coming home on Wednesday. Luckily I have money in my bank account, or else I will starve to death sia. Oh, how I miss them both! Come back soon! :(
Hey, Aidil's here! Imma blast off now. Goodbye! :D
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