Playlist: Katy Perry - Firework
Mood: Normal
Okay, hello! Sorry for not updating my blog. I was pretty busy with the outside world yesterday cos it was my cousin's birthday! And I wasn't at home till night time & I was too tired to blog. Sorry!
Anyways, I've already changed my Tagboard. Already replied whatever's necessary to those who came by & tagged me. Thanks so much, to all! :) And oh, I added new Smilies to my Tagboard. Aren't they cute? *I bet you guys saw them before at someone else's blog or something LOL* Yeah, so what's up today? Nothing much, really. I don't know what to do cos initially, I wanted to go job-hunting today. But Aidil sprained his ankle at work, so I can't go out this week until he's finally recovered. Maybe next week? Yup.
I woke up quite early today. Almost 9am, cos I was waiting for Aidil to come home from work. He's back to my place for today. And oh, there's this problem whereby his parents argued again & his Mum are gonna stay along with us. According to Mum, she'll give my room to Aidil & his mother, whereas I'll be sleeping in the room at the back, which is actually our so-called "Store Room". But hey, I don't mind! I prefer that room anyways, cos it's smaller & I know Mum couldn't stuff any of her extra things in that room once I've moved there. HAHAHA! Ohswell, actually I've been wanting to sleep in that Store Room since the first time we moved in to this house, but Dad didn't permit me to. So now I finally got it! YAY!
Yes, it is Rental. Aidil & his Mum are gonna pay my parents monthly Rental fees for staying here. But I know Dad didn't charge them much, cos Aidil's Mum are both my parents' good friends, but more of Mum's best friend. They're gonna stay here until mid-year of 2011, once the house owner of the house that Aidil's Mum bought move out. Yeah, that means I get to see Aidil every single day! WOW :D Hahaha. Dream come true, huh? Still, unbelievable. Tsk!
I wonder if I should design a skin right now. Since I'm bored & Aidil's resting. Maybe I should? Yeah, but first Imma go cook first. I haven't eaten my breakfast! Goodbye, honeys! ♥
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